2024 PCUN Executive Committee



David Livert, PhD

Regional Vice President: Europe

Vera Araujo Soares, PhD

Vera Araújo Soares is Professor of Prevention,  and head,  Division of Prevention at the Center for Preventive Medicine and Digital Health (CPD), Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University.
Her research targets the development and evaluation of evidence-based interventions for the promotion of health behaviours, prevention and self-management of chronic conditions. Vera has worked in Portugal, Scotland, England, The Netherlands and Germany. She was President of the European Health Psychology Society


Efrat Neter, PhD
Affiliation: European Health Society

Professor Efrat Neter, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel, is a behavioral scientist. She’s co-editor-in-chief of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine and active in the European Health Psychology Society. Her research focuses on (1) Health behavior – antecedents, decision-making, promotion, and change (includingRCTs); (2) Health information search on the Internet and particularly eHealth literacy; ( 3) coping and goal adjustments when facing adversity.


Harold Takooshian, PhD
Institute for Multicultural Counseling & Education Services

Harold Takooshian, PhD, Fordham University. Professor of Psychology, Urban Studies, Organizational Leadership.Director of the Fordham Institute.

Assistant Treasurer

Elaine Oloaye, PhD
International Council of Psychologists (ICP)

Past Presidents

Judy Kuriansky, PhD
Affiliations: International Association of Applied Psychology; World Council for Psychotherapy

Dr. Judy Kuriansky is Professor of Psychology and Education, Columbia University Teachers College adjunct faculty, NGO UN representative for 20+ years, Advisor, Mission of Sierra Leone to the UN, author of many professional journal articles and books on international and interpersonal relations, noted plenary speaker, peace and women’s rights advocate, pioneer media psychologist on TV and radio, and award-winning journalist.

Committee Chairs

Program Committee

Janet A. Sigal, PhD
Affiliation: International Council of Psychologists

I am a social psychologist and professor emeritus, Fairleigh Dickinson University. My research area is global violence against women.
I also have served as the Chair of the NGO Committee on Ageing, the Co-Chair of the NGO Committee on the Family, and Co-Chair of the UN Psychology Day.

Advocacy Committee, Co-Chair

Rachel Quintas

Rachel Quintas, PhD
Affiliation: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

Dr. Rachel Quintas is an adjunct professor of psychology and clinical health psychologist in the NYC public hospital system, with research focusing on the impacts of discrimination and systemic passivity on trust-building in mental/medical health care. Quintas received her Ph.D. at Long Island University Brooklyn, where she continues to serve on its Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Research Committee.

Outreach Committee

Vera Araujo Soares, PhD

Peyman Raoofi, Psy.D (Social Media)

Finance Committee

Elaine Congress, PhD
Harold Takooshian, PhD

Psychology Day Finance Committee

Michelle Bell, Psy.D. (She/Her/Ella)
Affiliation: American Psychological Association

Program Director, Marriage and Family Therapy, Manhattan College; Psychology Day at the United Nations Finance Committee Chair; NGO Committee on Migration, Subcommittee on Children in Migration – Member

Publications Committee

Elaine Congress

Elaine Congress, DSW
Affiliation: Institute for Multicultural Counseling and Education Services (IMCES)

Professor and Associate Dean at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service

Bylaws Committee


Media Committee

Website Editor

Merry Bullock, PhD
Affiliation: International Council of Psychologists

Merry Bullock is Secretary-General, International Council of Psychologists and Co-Chair, Steering Committee for the Global Network of Psychologists for Human Rights. She has written on topics in cognitive development, scientific thinking, developmental aspects of emotion and motivation, and global perspectives on psychology. Recently, she co-edited special journal issues on internationalization and psychology and human rights, and co-edited the 2nd edition of the Handbook of International Psychology.


Walter Reichman, PhD
Affiliation: International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)

I am an organizational psychologist and a partner in a management consulting firm, OrgVitality. I am also emeritus professor of psychology at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. I am the main NGO representative to ECOSOC from IAAP and a former president of PCUN. My interest centers around SDG 8, bringing decent work to people in the world as a means of ending poverty and increasing well being.